Group Horizon Hi-Tech Aims for Safer Operations on Telecom Towers

facilitate implementation of a HSEQ management system that meets requirements of OHSAS 18001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 (2015)


As per the contracts signed between Group Horizon Hi-Tech and Hy-Classe Group, Hy-Classe Group will proceed with carrying out a gap analyses, determining weaknesses, training employees and facilitates the closing of gaps so as to permit Group Horizon meet requirements for ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 certification.


According to Mr. Malle Martin, the President and Chief executive Officer of Group Horizon Hi-Tech, his company is driven by the desire to carry out safer operations and supers international standards when it comes to products and service quality, design, realization and delivery. “We are very happy with the services of Hy-Classe Group so far, Hy-Classe Group has trained our telecom engineers on height safety on telecom towers, they have carried out a HSEQ gap analyses within our company and we are working to close the gaps. Hy-Classe Group equally identified many good practices within our organization and we are very happy with the continuous improvement culture they are inculcating into our people”

Valery Yatche, Project Coordinator for Group Horizon Hi-Tech equally praised the Hy-Classe Group team of experts assigned to work with them. “I have worked with experts from Hy-Classe Group and all I can say is that at Hy-Classe Group, each person is a square peg in a square hole, they know their job very well.

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